The joyful bouquet features magenta hydrangea and large, long branches of eucalyptus. It makes this bouquet not go unnoticed.
It looks good in any room of your house, this bouquet is ideal to give as a gift or to decorate. With a combination of colors and flowers that always pleases.
The joyful bouquet features magenta hydrangea and large, long branches of eucalyptus. It makes this bouquet not go unnoticed.
It looks good in any room of your house, this bouquet is ideal to give as a gift or to decorate. With a combination of colors and flowers that always pleases.
A unique detail, preserved flowers that last for years, the perfect gift.
The bottle has been recycled, it is given as a gift with the bouquet.
A unique detail, preserved flowers that last for years, the perfect gift.
Handmade headdress, 100% preserved flowers and dried flowers.
Magenta hydrangeas, water gypsophila, wheat and eucalyptus are the flowers that make this headdress the most special.
This type of headdress can be worn with an updo, semi updo or with loose hair.
It is fastened by passing a few hairpins through the eyelets at each end.
We recommend that you wear the headpiece on the day of the final fitting of your dress and at the hair fittings, so that it fits perfectly.
Size: 16 cm.
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